My name is Frances and this is my personal blog. I am an MBA graduate student at Emporia State University with a concentration in information systems. My undergraduate was in English with a minor in Ethnic & Gender Studies. Currently, I work as a graduate assistant in the School of Business Resource Center offering paper editing and other related assistance to students, as well as helping with school events such as the mentor program, business career days, and the like. It is a fun job, but I have been learning so much that has helped me grow as a person as well as being practical to my future employment.
John and I have been married since 2011. We met shortly after his separation from the Marine Corps in 2007 when he returned to Kansas to assist some family members. We instantly clicked and have been on a crazy journey ever since. Some of it has been extremely positive, some of it has been quite negative and emotionally costly, but we still stand together. Currently, John works full time for a mental health center and part-time for a pub and a funeral home.
We also have a small side business we started with friends called Flat Earth Hobbies. Right now, we are mostly selling our handcrafted game and geek merchandise at local conventions, but are transitioning to online. We hope to find a good starter location for physical retail within the next year. No one really rests on their laurels around here, but collecting dirty dishes and building mounds of unwashed laundry occasionally becomes an awkward art form during our busiest times.
Our three cats are Raider, Mokona, and Grell. They may get mentioned a bit too often around here but they are interesting characters in their own right. We eventually would like to have children but right now we are just letting things happen as they will or will not without medical intervention. Adoption may be in our future and that is fine with us too.
We have made really great friends and connections in this town, so it has been good for us, but we are always on the look for new opportunities. Right now, my main goal is finishing my graduate degree then figuring out where we will go from there.
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