Friday, May 30, 2014

Getting out of my comfort zone

Today was my first experience with volunteering at the Dirty Kanza. I was dubbed the "bag lady" by more than a few riders. So many times I smiled and acted jovial for the same empty bag joke, the wearing of the back on the head, or the people trying to refuse the bag until they realized that it was the equivalent of an adult "trick-or-treat" bag that kept them from having to carry everything other volunteers would throw at them. 

The "royalty" jokes for Miss Flint Hills were fewer, but tended to repeat as well. I had someone from another country ask me if they would find Fred Flintstone in the Flint Hills or if they could make fire by rubbing two rocks together. I told her if she found Fred Flintstone, to say 'hi' for me. 

 For the most part, I think I acted like an extrovert. I probably fell short a few times, because, well, I wound up being stationed at the longest line for the people who were checking in for the 200-mile DK - the full race. Extroversion play fell to efficiency part of the time since I could not speak to every single person and get everyone their bag. So many interesting people, though, it was fantastic. Most were really friendly and grateful for the volunteers. 

In fact, I may have run into a distant cousin by some strange happenstance who happens to teach at ESU. Not that this is that difficult - my family's not tiny by any stretch of the imagination. I'm always surprised when more people move out here from South Carolina. I'm not sure why. It's perfectly normal to transition elsewhere in search of a career these days. 

But to be honest: four hours of volunteering at the Dirty Kanza sign-in day was enough for this introvert. (It was still fun though.) 

I ate too much at the China Buffet for lunch with a good friend, all the while still wearing my "gravel groupie" volunteer shirt. It was good to take some time to catch up.  I haven't had nearly enough time to do that lately. 

Overall, I have been giving into a trend to regularly push myself out of my comfort zone.  I took on a graduate assistantship position and I've been taking on more hours at work as they come up. I'm working through the agony of a fairly full summer semester with an impending move to a house with enough room for us rather than staying in a tiny apartment. Sadly, I will miss the late night dips in the pool before bed, but we all have to grow up and move on sometime. 

Tomorrow night is the finish line party for the Dirty Kanza. Seems like a good time for people to get out and gather. Hope to see more of my local people there. I just need a day to recharge. Oh yeah, and I have a test to complete. You know the drill: I gotta keep those grades up! 


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