Thursday, September 12, 2013

More time...

Some days, I wish I had more time to update this blog like it deserves. If I find something interesting, I usually post it, if I have the free time. It was nice having yesterday off, although I spent a good bit of the afternoon trudging through an assignment for my international management class. I love to write, I do, but doing 1-2 page abstracts of every chapter to "prove" that we read them is getting a bit tedious and dull every week. The reading is interesting, but busy work with no real point to it bothers me. I would much rather take a short comprehension quiz. As you'd probably guessed, I actually enjoy writing, but it needs to engage my brain more than "This is what the chapter was about or at least what I can manage to fit reasonably within a 2 page limit."

I had to deal with stuff for work last night, and then again this morning, somewhat unexpectedly. My funeral director was swamped so I was needed to pick up the slack. I am working my way through yet another reading and writing assignment, but this one is a little more of a thought exercise rather than something as mindless as summarizing a chapter.

Friday the 13th is tomorrow. Is anyone planning any interesting parties? Suggestions for favorite spooky snacks and horror-themed treats? (Halloween is either too close or too far away.) I still need to get my costume together, but I guess I have a little more than a month to manage it. Tomorrow night for me involves Cabin in the Woods and some awesome friends. Now, I just have to survive this afternoon and Friday.

Oh yeah, and get my homework done on time. That's always important.


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